Course Code: DHLO 214
Duration : 12 MONTH
Course Fees: Govt.fee /-
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Introduction to housekeeping Operation: Introduction, objectives, role of housekeeping in hospitality industry, responsibility of housekeeping department, importance of guest room to guest, area responsibilities of housekeeping department, layout of housekeeping department, section of housekeeping department, organization structure of housekeeping, duties and responsibilities of housekeeping.
Care and cleaning of different surfaces: Glass wiper, floor wiper, room freshener, floor duster, table duster, micro fiber cloth, vim bar/Sai powder/other, cleaning guest rooms, cleaning of an occupied room, making the bed, cleaning of checkout room, cleaning public area.
Cleaning Equipment: Importance of cleaning, classification of cleaning equipments, selection criteria for cleaning equipments, manual equipments.
Fabric Knowledge & Ironing techniques: Objectives, role of shaking, brushing airing and laundering clothes in care and maintenance of fabrics, check stains and remove them, laundering of specific fabrics, handy hints for ironing, understanding fabric structures, fabric terminologies, and end uses, surface ornamentation.
Equipment used for laundry: Types of laundries, layout of a typical laundry, laundry equipments & uses, laundry equipment, pressing equipment, laundry process, stain removal, dry cleaning, flow chart of handling guest laundry.
Laundry Services: Introduction, objectives, importance, roles and functions, types of laundry services, categories of linen in hospital, planning consideration, laundry processes, linen distribution system