Course Code: CQM 674
Duration : 06 MONTH
Course Fees: Govt.fee /-
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Quality Management System and Quality Standards- Definition of Key Terms, Quality Management vs Quality Assurance vs Quality Control, Customer focus, Leadership, Involvement of people, Process approach, Systems approach to management, Continual Improvement, Factual Approach to decision-making, Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
Quality Management Principles- Statement, Rationale, Key benefits, Engagement of people, Key benefits, Actions you can take, Process approach, Actions you can take, Improvement, Evidence-based decision making, Relationship management.
Challenges Faced by Organization in a Fast-Moving dynamic environment- Organizational Change- An Overview, Objectives, Introduction, The Importance of Change, Types of Change, Forces of Change, Organizational Change: Some Determining Factors, Summary, Keywords, Self Assessment Questions, References/Suggested Readings, Structure.
Leadership within the Management System- Leadership, Characteristics of Leadership, Importance of Leadership, Initiates action, Components of Leadership, Communication Skills, Team Builder, Trait Approach to Leadership, Big 5 personality traits, Strengths/Advantages of Trait Theory.
Planning Within the Management System- Principles of Management, Introduction to Planning, Definitions, Based on futurity, Nature of Planning, Planning is goal-oriented, Purposes/Importance of Planning, Features of Planning, Classification of Planning/Types of Planning, Tactical Planning, Operational planning, Long term planning, Planning Process.
Planning of Resource Requirement- Production Planning and Control- Production planning and control : Meaning, Characteristics, Objectives of PPC, Scope of PPC, Role of PPC, Functions of PPC, Importance of PPC, Meaning and objectives of production planning, Meaning and objectives of production control.