Course Details



Course Code: DBMS 00009

Duration : 18 MONTHS

Course Fees: Govt. Fee /-

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Courses Details


Theoreticsl Part :
Outlines of circulation of Blood.
Structures of - Arteries, Veins, Capillaries, Thorasic Artery, Pericardium, Heart Foetal and
Cardiac Circulation"
Arteries - Head and Neck.
Comrnon Carotid Artery, External Carotid Artery.
Internal Carotid Artery, Arteries of the Brain.
Arteries of the upperextremities subclavian artery.
Amitlary artery Bronchial afiery, Cabital artery.
Arteries of the Trunk.
Thorasic Aorta, abdominal Aorta, Comrnoniliac artery.
External Iliac Artery.
Arteries of the LowerExtremities.
Femoral Artery, Femoral sheath.
Abductor canal" Femoral TCangle.
Poplital Fossa, Poplital artery.
Arteriod Titei ai Artery.
Amteria dorsalis, pedise Braches.
Fulmonary, Hsart, Head and Neck, Face, Brain, Upper Extrimities and thorasic (Dupanil
superficial). Vertebral Colurnn Lower Extremity, Atrdomen and Pelvis, Vesical Plexgn,
Vaginal Plexus Inferior .,/enacova, Superior Venacova, Portal system of vein.
Lympatiq Vessel, Lymphatic Glands.
Lymphatic duct, Right lymphatic duct.
Lyrqpatic glands of the Head andNeck.
Lympatic Vessel of the Head and Neck.
Lymphatic glands of the upperExtrimity.
Lymphatic Vessle of the UpperExtremity.
Lymphatic glands of the Lower Extremity.
Lymphatic vessel of the lowerExtrimity.
Lymphatic glands and vessel of the Abdomen pelvis.
Parital lymph of glands and vessel.
Visceral lymph of glands and vessel.
Lymphatic vessels of the sub. diphragatic pcrtion of the digestivetube.
Lymphatic systemof the spleen, suprarenal gland.
Lymphatic vessels of the Urinary system.
Lymphatic vessels of the Reproductive system.
Lymph glands and vessels of the thorax.
Parietal lymph glands and vessels'
Lymphatic vessels of thethorax.
Lymphatic vessels of the thorasic wall and viscera.
General description of the nervous system.
Structure and Function of the periferal neryous and gangila.
The medula spinalis.
A stiortldescription of the Brain.
The menings and medula spinulis cranial.
Nervous, Spinal Nerves, Sympathetic Nervous system.
The Organ of the senses and common integument.
of the ScalpYelids,
Muscles. Muscles
of the upper and
lower Extrimity.
Ovurn. Maturation of the Ovurn Fertilisation of Ovum, Spermatorrhoe Formation of
Embryo and different stages of its growth.
Practical Part :
A eourse of discussion of the }{urnan Body. Arrangements should be made to have discussion parts for the students. Parts should be allotted tc student and the discussipn of parts shall
( 13)
t General description of muscles, Tendons
Muscles'of Nose, Mouth, Lateral Vertebral
of the thorax, Abdomen, Pelvis, Perinium
he recordacl as complete. The period of at least 4 months.
trtegular attendance nf all the students :
A course of practical demonstration on surface muking of :
Important viscera, Arteries, Nervous vains, Regions of Ciinical importance of the Brain,
Bony hand - marks.
The written papers in Anatomy shall be distributed as foilows :
Paper- I Upper Extremity.
Head, Face, Neck and Brain.
Paper - II l-ower Extremity.
Thorax, Abdomen and pelvis.
Practical Part :
Excretion :
Kidney :
Flistoiogical sftucture and Function" i{istology and Function of Nepliron and Renal
Renal Circulation :
Feculiarities of Renal Circulation" Normal Renal Blocd Flow
Volume, Characteristic, Composition, Factors-Affecting formation of Urine, Reaction
cf Lirine, Glycosuria, Factors, Controlin Volume of Urine, Nerve Supply of Bladder on
Urethra, Mechanism of Micturition & Mechanism of felling Bladder.
Cutaneous System:
Astitological structure and function of the skin, glands in the skin, pigmentation of the skin.
Sweat giands :
Structure, Function and cornposition, Mechanism of the sweating Secretion.
l'{ormal Tenrparature of the Body, Factors affecting of the body Temparature. Regulation of
the Body Temparature.

Endocrines System :
Introduction of the Endocrinology.
Flormone - Their sources ancl Function.
G.H. or S."f.H., T.S.II., A.O.T.H., G.T.H., L.H., F.S.H., or A.C.S.H.
Protectine, Hypotrapin, pitocine, Vesoprassin, Thyroid
The dectlesss glands :
Structure and Function, Insuline, Glucagon. Regulation of Blood, Sugar Level, diabetis melitis
Adrenal Cortex:
Structure, Function and active principal
Nerves System :
Introduction of the Neurology, classification, Central or somatic Nerves System, Subdivission of Nerves System.
The Special Senses :
Introductton :
Taste - Nerves of Tastes, affectory Nerves sence of Small. structure and functions of different part of eye-ball, vision formation of ratinal image. Mechanism of accomodation
common errors of refraction.
Hearing - structure and Functions of External middle and internal ear.
Gonads and Reproductive System:
fuIale lleproducti ve Organs
Testis, Supermatozoa
Fem:ile Reprociuctive 0rgans
Overy anel its firnetion
Mammarv- gla:rds anci its lunction. Uterus and its Function. ovulation, Fertilisation, Implantation, control cf ovulation Puberty, Androgen, ostragen, Function, progestaroq
Function Rclasis.
Mensturation - Mecjranism, phases and Cycle
Birth Controi and Contraception
Duetless glands in connection with Re_production
Function of the corpus luleum
Daily diet chart rnC rr:orrir.ert fnr.cls ;rnd callories
Practical Part :
Identification of histological specimens of tissues and organs, Bones, Cartilage, Fibrous
Tissue, Cellular Tissue, Veins Arteries, Liver, Lungs, Appendix, Falliopian Tube, Cons
section of spinal nerve, Lymph glands spleem, Kidney Preparation and staining of blood
films total and differential count of blood cells.
Use of the haemoglobin nometes and Sphygmomanometer, Demonstration of some
experimentsin connection with nerve muscle physiology, Chemical examination of common normal and abnorrral ingredients of Urine.                                                                 


Theoretical Part :
Introductory lecture or study & scope of practice of medicine in Bil. l,;rnic System of l''{t iiicine.
Blood and infectious diseases :
Anaemia, Chlorosis, Progressive, Peneiciotts Anaemia
 Kara-zar,ryphoid, yenow, Dangue Fever, Measies, Mun:ps,
Influenza, Beriberi, Dropsy and Worms Infection'
Diseases of the Heart:
palpitation of the Heart, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Acute Pericardities, Acute Errdocardrtis,
Acute Myocarditis.
Diseases of the Digestive Organs (system) :
Acute Glossitis, Stomatitis, Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Vomitlng"
Cholera, Dysentry, Colitis, Peritonitis, Toothache, Piles, Haemorrhoids.
Diseases of the Liver :
Hepatities, Jaundice, Abscess of the Liver.
Diseases of the pancreas and Spleen :
Acuit pancreatitis, Splenitis, Splenalgia.
Diseases of the Urinary (Organs) Sestem:
IJrinary trad enjection, Albuminuria, Phosphoturia, Pyuria, Anuria, Llrethritis, Cysttis,
Urobilin, Inttaematuria'
Diseases of the Brain and Nervous Systern :
Meningitis, Headache, Vertigo, Tetanus. Paralysis, Spasm, Convulsion, Neuritis'
Diseases of the EYe :
Conj uncti vitis, OPthalmi a.
Diseases of the Ear:
Otitis, Otorrhaea, Mastoiditis.
Diseases of the Nose :
Diseases of the Genital :
Spermatorrhoea, Hydrocele, postritis, Orchitis Impotence.
Practical Pafi :
Infectious Diseases- Disorder of the Endocrine System, Diseases of the Metabolism Defeciency, Diseases of the Digestive,-Resperatory system, Blood Diseases, urinrry Diseases in the Theoretical, Tropical DiseaJes tarc trre case, Lower of Biochemic and Complexremedy.

Biochemical Cytology - Cellular structure in Biochemic human body physi

Biochemic Materia Medica  
S1rytoyy, of the Tytelve Ttssul rempdies :
Constitutional,,C-haracteristic, Cornmon, Uncommon, Less Common and Modalities
Name of th€ reniedies':,
common Name, chemical Name, Simpre Name and Name of theAbriviation.

Data a
Clrcmieal Data P, hysiologico-Chemical Data, Biochemic data,
Different of the Biochemic arid Homoeopathic data.,
General action and reaction of the Tissue remedies,
Characturistic indications of the remedies.
Administration of the remedies.
Relationship of ,the remedies.
Detail description of the Twelve Tissue remedie.r.
Calcarea Fluorica, Calcarea Phosphorica, Calcarca Suiphurica, Ferrum phosphoricum,

Kali Muriaticum, Kali Phosphorica, Kali Sulphuricum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Natrum
Muriaticum, Natrum Phosphorica Natrum Sulphuricum, Silicea.

Semester Details

  • Semester 1 : Anatomy Physiology
  • Semester 2 : Biochemic Materia Medica Biochemistry Gyn & obst
  • Semester 3 : Homoeo Materia Medica Assistant   Pharmacy
  • Semester 4 : Practice of Medicine
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